
Complete Payroll and HR Services

Payroll is about your people…

That’s why we are now offering an improved payroll service with comprehensive options.

After careful consideration, and with your ongoing success in mind, we are pleased to announce that we are changing the technology we use to process payroll. We have partnered with ADP and are now offering a high-quality and cost-effective payroll service that can help with compliance and provides HR resources that can help improve your productivity, cash flow and regulatory compliance, so you can focus on and grow your business.

Our new comprehensive payroll solution includes:

  • Accurate federal, state and local payroll tax deposits and filings
  • Flexible payment options such as direct deposit, debit cards, or paper check with next day courier delivery
  • State Unemployment Insurance (SUI) automatically deposited and filed on your behalf
  • Instant previews of your payroll liability and cash required before payroll is finalized.
  • Secure offsite hosting of your payroll database

We offer many robust options to help you attract and retain qualified employees, including:

  • Improved calculations of workers’ compensation premium payments to avoid large upfront premiums*
  • Time Tracking Solutions
  • Integration with 401k, SEP IRA, and SIMPLE retirement services plans
  • Comprehensive HR resources, including a Help Desk staffed by certified HR professionals

Payroll is about your people… and people are you most valuable asset. So contact us today at to learn how you can enhance your employee relations and focus more on achieving all of your business goals.

Request Your Consultation

Are you ready to protect your assets, increase your visibility, generate more revenue, and uncover new financial opportunities? The team at Freedom Group is here and ready to make the process as painless as possible. We look forward to meeting you!