Dog Boarding Insurance

The dog boarding business is competitive. You are likely looking for ways to stand out in your business – you want something that will set you apart from your competitors. One way to do this is with dog boarding insurance. Dog boarding insurance allows you to have peace of mind while you are operating your dog boarding business. 

Scenarios to consider include a dog that gets lost or injured. Or a dog could bite someone or even another animal while under your care. Your dog boarding business could be liable for such events. You need the typical insurance that a small business owner gets and some additional insurance specific to the dog boarding business.

General Liability Insurance

General liability insurance is an important way to protect your dog boarding business from lawsuits, which could happen due to injuries or damage occurring during your business operations. What if an injury happens to someone or a dog while the dog is under your care? There are unfortunate events that happen when you are in the dog boarding business. General liability insurance can help protect you from such issues during the operation of your dog boarding business. 

Animal Bailee/Care, Custody or Control Insurance

Animal bailee or care, custody or control (CCC) coverage is an essential part of dog boarding insurance. It provides coverage for the client’s pets and client’s personal property in your care. It also covers pets while in transport in a vehicle, pet taxi, or other means. This policy covers all independent contractors, employees, and volunteers. Veterinary medical expenses are also included in CCC coverage, and policies pay claims regardless of fault for accidental injuries to pets.

Workers’ Compensation Insurance

Workers’ compensation insurance protects you and your team from injuries you incur while at work. It can help pay medical bills, lost wages, and indemnity payments. 

Business Property Insurance

Commercial property insurance gets your business up and running again quickly after a fire, theft, or other misfortune. It can help pay to repair your building or replace inventory, equipment, or other business personal property. Exercising a business interruption option can also replace lost income and pay suppliers while your business is being put back together after a covered loss and claim.

Commercial Auto Insurance

Commercial auto insurance protects you from paying for bodily injury or property damage to a third party (person or vehicles) caused by your business-owned or leased vehicle or vehicles. Non-owned auto coverage covers your business against claims arising from auto accidents involving your employees and independent contractors’ personal vehicles.

Umbrella Insurance

Umbrella insurance policies protect you from any gaps in your overall coverage. Umbrella insurance is typically used by businesses needing to protect many assets, but can also be used by start-up businesses that have exposure to high-risk industries. 

Although you might not have thought about all of these issues when considering entering the dog boarding business, it is important to protect yourself with proper dog boarding insurance. Not only will you have peace of mind and be able to focus on doing a great job, but it will also provide you with a competitive advantage, giving your clients additional security and comfort as well. 

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Are you ready to protect your assets, increase your visibility, generate more revenue, and uncover new financial opportunities? The team at Freedom Group is here and ready to make the process as painless as possible. We look forward to meeting you!